Oasis Discussions

How do I manage the patient with aphthous ulcers?

This Urgent Care Scenario (USC) is presented by the JCDA Oasis Team in collaboration with Dr. David Clark. The USC is also available through the Oasis Help system

Dr. David Clark is clinical director of dental services at Ontario Shores Centre for Mental Health Sciences and associate in clinical dentistry with the department of oral medicine, faculty of dentistry, University of Toronto

Aphthous Ulcers (a.k.a aphthous stomatitis, canker sores)




Minor aphthous ulcerations (Fig. 1)

  • Approx. % of cases: 80%
  • Shape and dimensions: round to ovoid ulcers no larger than 2–8 mm in diameter surrounded by a thin erythematous halo
  • Site of occurrence: non-keratinized oral mucosa (usually)
  • Healing time: 10–14 days
  • Scarring potential: no

Major aphthous ulcerations (Fig. 2)

  • Approx. % of cases: 10–15%
  • Shape and dimensions: round to ovoid ulcers larger than 10 mm in diameter
  • Site of occurrence: keratinized and non-keratinized oral mucosa
  • Healing time: 2–8 weeks
  • Scarring potential: yes

Herpetiform aphthous ulcerations (Fig. 3)

  • Approx. % of cases: 5–10%
  • Shape and dimensions: multiple, recurrent crops of small (2–3 mm), painful ulcers (100+); often coalesce into larger irregular ulcers
  • Site of occurrence: keratinized and non-keratinized oral mucosa
  • Healing time: 10–14 days
  • Scarring potential: no


Pain severity depends on the variant, but is often out of proportion in relation to the size of the lesions.

Onset Factors


Rule Out Systemic Pathologies

Thoroughly review the patient’s medical history for possible:


Based on the clinical examination and on the patient’s medical history, a diagnosis of aphthous ulcers is determined.


Common Initial Treatments

Treatment strategies are directed to providing symptomatic relief through:

Mild Disease (Minor Aphthous Ulcers)

Topical analgesics/anti-inflammatory agents


Topical corticosteroid agents

Acute Management of Severe Disease

Corticosteroids (high-potency topical agents usually in combination with antifungal prophylaxis and/or systemic medication). Consider referral to health care provider with advanced knowledge/expertise in managing patients taking these types of medications.

Physical Therapy



Do you need further information related to this subject? Do you have any comments or suggestions? Email us at oasisdiscussions@cda-adc.ca

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  1. Walter Vogl April 30, 2013

    I have found that probiotics which help to restore a better balance of GI bacteria, have a positive effect on the immune system and reduce the exagerrated immune response which leads to apthous ulcers. Initially I started with lactobacillus acidopholus and bifidis capsules @ 3 capsules four times daily for the duration of the ulcer(s) 10 to 14 days. Then discontinuing until the next prodromal period and repeating the same regimen each time. I found that during the course of a year the intensity and frequency of the ulcers diminished. After 18 months I did not get any more ulcers. Periodically when my immune system was depressed I would feel the initial stage of an ulcer after minor trauma to my mucosa, but repeating the regimen stopped any progression of ulcer formation. I have not had a full blown apthous ucler in 12 years. I take probiotics when I know my immune system is not up to par or when I notice GI symptoms.

  2. Howard Stein May 5, 2013

    I have had tremendous success using a toothpaste that does not contain sodium lauryl sulfate called ‘Rembrandt toothpaste for canker sore sufferers’. It is readily available in many U.S. groceries and pharmacies.
    It should be used as soon as the pro-dromal period is noted and used exclusively until the ulcer is healed. More easily, it can be used as a regular daily toothpaste so it is already being used when the ulcer is first starting. It was explained to me that the sodium lauryl sulfate is a detergent that causes toothpaste to foam, but it also removes the early healing layer of the ulcer and thereby lengthens the healing period. By not having this chemical in the mouth in the early stages, quicker and earlier healing ensues. Canker sore incidence is reduced and when they do develop they are smaller and resolve much faster.
    If ‘Rembrandt’ cannot be found, any toothpaste that does not have sodium lauryl sulfate can be used.

  3. Annie24 July 12, 2013

    Canker sores: definition. Canker sores are small sores or ulcers in the mouth more often, but can sit at other locations (eg genitals). When we speak of aphthous mouth ulcers are multiple and frequent change in spurts.canker sore medicine


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