Oasis Discussions

Can An Avulsed Permanent Incisor Be Immediately Replanted?

This Urgent Care Scenario (USC) is presented by the JCDA Oasis Team in collaboration with Dr. Mike Casas from the Department of Pediatric Dentistry at the University of Toronto. It is also available through JCDA Oasis Mobile

The immediate replantation of an avulsed permanent incisor is to be performed on suitable avulsed incisors with extra-alveolar time of less than 5 minutes (to avoid reduced predictability of periodontal healing). Dentists who have the occasion of performing immediate replantation likely witnessed the traumatic injury or arrived at the scene immediately after the injury that produced the avulsion.




Traumatic total exarticulation of an incisor that occurred in the preceding 5 minutes.


The intended outcome is a functional periodontal ligament. As the avulsed incisor is a functionally free graft, timely replantation and immobilization of the incisor in the alveolus is critical to periodontal ligament healing outcomes.

Immediate Replantation

  1. Seek patient or parents’ consent to proceed with replantation, including the potential need for future root canal therapy.
  2. Handle the avulsed incisor by the crown.
  3. Rinse the root lightly with water to dislodge any debris.
  4. Replant the incisor in the socket to a position that approximates its original alignment in the alveolus.
  5. Have the patient occlude on folded facial tissue to stabilize the incisor.
  6. Further assessments of the injury site should be completed in an appropriately equipped dental office. 

Following Immediate Replantation

  1. Patient should be transported to a dental facility for definitive management of the injury.
  2. Examine the traumatized hard and soft tissues and the avulsed tooth.
  3. Perform a radiographic examination.
  4. Extract the incisor and proceed with wound management, under these conditions:
  5. the status of the hard and soft tissues contraindicate replantation; or patient/parents decline proceeding further.
  6. Perform replantation:


Regardless of the stage of incisor maturation, it is not necessary to provide pulp treatment during the immediate management of the injury. It can be addressed at follow-up appointments.

Immature incisors with open apices: there is potential for revascularization of the dental pulp.

Mature incisors with constricted apices: the likely outcome is pulp necrosis. 

Follow-up: What further information would you like on this topic? Email us at jcdaoasis@cda-adc.ca

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  1. Dr. David Kelner March 26, 2013

    A patients immunization for tetanus should be verified. Tetanus immunization has a limited span. Tetanus inoculation should follow immediately if not current.

  2. Dr Sheryl P. Lipton April 2, 2013

    Parents should be informed of the high risk of external resorption and/or ankylosis with inability of the ankylosed tooth to grow with the rest of the dentition.

  3. Benathen February 5, 2014

    What words to explain resorption without scaring the patient? Reference to specialist is a must isn’t ?


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