Is Atraumatic restorative treatment an option for restoring occlusoproximal caries lesions in primary teeth?
Have you seen this article? Is Atraumatic restorative treatment an option for restoring occlusoproximal caries lesions in primary teeth? A systematic review and meta-analysis.
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I never know if it’s just me in these cases … being a closet luddite … but when I click the link it asks me to log in. Interesting topic though !
My bad Mark – thought there was more of the article up when I found the link last month. You’ll only be able to see the abstract. Sorry about that. Ian.
I use Fugi LC II and works well. It can use it in a rainstorm, sticks well, looks good and arrests any redecay. It does wash out quicker but can be used on very young as long term temp.