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What concentration of hypochlorite do you use for endo?

Interesting debate going on in Monday’s post comments. What is the appropriate concentration of hypochlorite? 5% is used by many endodontists, .5% is often recommended in case of hypochlorite accident, 1.25% was recently recommended for in vitro studies for regenerative endo to preserve any live cells in HERS. According to the recent article in JCDA Express there are other options. What do you use?



  1. dkdoc December 6, 2012

    For 36 years I have used Javex right out of the container and I always thought it was 6%.

    1. dkdoc December 6, 2012

      Just googled Javex and regular Javex is 5.25% sodium hyperchlorite. Many variations are available.

      1. thx – i always thought it was straight 5%, should have been more studious during WHMIS

  2. Sarah December 6, 2012

    Majority of endodontist (If I remember well the article is around 54% ) use full strength Hypochlorite, but it does not mean it is more effective . The antibacterial effect and the tissue-dissolving properties can be achieved with 1% concentration and at the same time is far less toxic. One of the most important aspects for the desinfection is to reach the difficult areas of te apical region, so desinfection protocol at the end of the cleaning and shaping the canals with sonic and ultrasonics devices are important too…

  3. Cliff Leachman December 21, 2012

    Full strength.

    1. seems to be the concensus; as a non-endodontist I was surprised though. If you splash some or some gets in the PA tissues I always thought .5% would be better.


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