How can I make my employees feel safe when I talk to them?
Should I take notes and have us agree upon the message delivered and received at the meeting?
How long should the conversation be? Should there be a follow-up conversation after there has been time for reflection?
When I ask to speak to an employee, what is the best time to indicate a conversation is needed?
How much should employers share with employees and vice versa, without destroying the business relationship?
How can I change the environment in the office if things are so entrenched?
If a dental hygienist or a dental assistant wanted to initiate change in their practice, how would they go about doing that?
How much can we train people and when is it better to let someone go?
When should I as an employee have to find another job as the environment is not changing?
How do I recognize stellar employees and encourage others to contribute?
How would a female dentist handle turf issues or frictions that may result from working with a female dental team?
How do I change or improve the working environment when employees always complain about another co-worker?
How do I shift the culture of negative behaviour to one of support, problem solving and accountability?
How can we make cultural values an integral part of everyday work environment?