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McGill University Critically Appraised Topics in Dentistry

Every year, dental students at McGill University Faculty of Dental Medicine and Oral Health Sciences search the literature related to a particular problem in dentistry and oral health, critically appraise it, extract the salient points, and provide a critical summary and clinical bottom line.

In this CDA Oasis discussion, faculty assistant professor Dr. Svetlana Tikhonova outlines the process of creating a Critically Appraised Topic Summary and highlights the key benefits to dental students and the dental profession.

You can access the critically appraised topics on the McGill Faculty of Dental Medicine and Oral Health Sciences website:


Watch the Conversation (14'50")

Do you have a discussion topic or presentation you’d like to share with your colleagues on CDA Oasis or in CDA Essentials magazine? We'd love to hear from you! Topics can be related to the dental office setting, be clinical in nature, demonstrate social or community impact, and more!  

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