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How to Metabolize Stress More Effectively

A certain amount of stress in our lives is normal. In fact, moderate stress is good for us. But when our stress response becomes chronically engaged, it can lead to decreased productivity, lower quality of life, and even disease.

In this CDA Oasis discussion, Dr. Kristin Yont, a general dentist and Benson Henry Institute SMART certified healthcare provider, outlines the physiological impact of stress on the body and walks through some key strategies to metabolize stress more effectively.

“Understanding stress physiology is really important for prevention, for managing progression and treating chronic disease.”


Dr. Kristin Yont  

The Benson Henry Institute Stress Management and Resiliency Training (SMART) program teaches self-care practices that help participants buffer daily stress, regain a sense of emotional control, and enhance their quality of life.

Helpful links:

Watch the Conversation (17'17")

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