Care management has been demonstrated to be most effective when patients are actively involved in their own care and subsequently make a firm commitment to their health on their own terms. One effective strategy to achieve this is motivational interviewing.
In this video, Dr. Nora Makansi, Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Oral Health Sciences at McGill University, discusses the use of motivational interviewing in dentistry and introduces a series of video resources that have been developed as training tools for dental students and dental professionals.
“Motivational interviewing is an evidence-based approach to enable people to recognize and articulate reasons for change, and by doing so they become more motivated to commit change.”
Dr. Nora Makansi
*Dr. Makansi would like to acknowledge the Quebec Ministry of health and social services, and the Dentiste-conseil en santé dentaire publique in the division of prevention and promotion of health for the financial support provided to implement motivational interviewing at the Faculty of Dental Medicine and Oral Health Sciences at McGill.