Canadian Association of Hospital Dentists (CAHD): Q&A with Dr. Susan Sutherland
What is CAHD?
CAHD is the national voice of Canadian hospital affiliated dentists. Our articulated vision is “Shaping the future of hospital dentistry”.
Our mission is to promote the highest standards of evidence-based oral health care, advance dental education in academic health sciences centres, encourage collaborative research and advocate for access to care for Canadians with complex needs that require dental care in hospital settings.
When was it created?
The association was incorporated as a non profit organization in December 2014. At the inaugural meeting in Vancouver in May 2015, Bylaws were approved and a Board of Directors was elected.
Why was it created?
Prior to the establishment of CAHD, Canadian hospital Dental Chiefs and GPR Program Directors met for the past several years to share concerns and discuss common issues. In fact, most of us met initially and worked together through various activities of the Commission of Dental Accreditation of Canada –through accreditation site visits or committee work in support of CDAC. Over that time, it became apparent that there was a need and enough momentum to create a formal association to better carry out our vision.
Who is involved in leadership?
The Board of Directors is composed of:
- Atlantic Region: Chris Lee
- Quebec: Mel Schwartz (Vice President)
- Ontario: Susan Sutherland (President)
- Prairie Region: Chris Cottick
- Alberta/NU: Eduardo Kalaydjian (Secretary-Treasurer)
- BC/Yukon: Debbie Fonseca
Who can join?
Membership is open to all Canadian dentists, dental students and residents.
How many dentists in Canada work (full- or part-time) in a hospital?
This is unknown at the present time. As our membership grows, CAHD will provide a home for hospital dentistry.
How will this organization benefit dentists working in hospitals?
CAHD will provide Canadian dentists a forum for interaction to enhance clinical practice, teaching, research, administration and dental leadership in Canadian hospitals. It will educate the profession and the public on hospital-based dentistry. For example, one of our initiatives for our first year is the investigate and coordinate a national match system for the selection of hospital-based dental residents.
In consultation with the members and other stakeholders, national positions will be created which are of importance to the collective of Canadian hospital-affiliated dentists in the promotion of optimal oral health. In addition, CAHD will promote unity and harmony, and cultivate fellowship and social relations among its Members and colleagues nationally and internationally.
How will this organization benefit the dental profession in general and the public?
CAHD will act as a resource and provide dental governing bodies and other stakeholders with information and/or direction concerning hospital dentistry issues. We will develop and maintain effective national strategies and programs to communicate with the public and the various stakeholders on all matters within the Association’s mandate.
What are your plans for developing this organization in the short- to medium-term?
We are busy creating our website, through which we hope to educate all stakeholders about the importance of hospital dentistry and the issues involved, as well as the work of CAHD. We are planning a scientific session for our next AGM on May 13, 2016 in Halifax. The theme for the session is the the development and utilization of databases and registries for CQI, research and administrative requirements. We are also planning oral abstract presentations by residents. The Planning Committee is developing a protocol for this and a Call for Abstracts will go out with a meeting announcement in the New Year.
Over the medium to long term, we have committed to developing, in collaboration with medical colleagues in the specialty of Infectious Diseases, a national Antimicrobial Stewardship Program for Dentistry. Two CAHD members and two of our colleagues in Infectious Diseases will be presenting a repeated half day session at the ODA ASM on the antimicrobial crisis – why dentists should be concerned and what can we, as a profession, do about it.
How can someone who wants to join contact the leadership?
CAHD website will be available by end of March 2016:
Where do I find an application form?
Hello Eller,
Here is the link to the online membership form:
CDA Oasis Team