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Oasis Podcasts Professional Issues

What are the provisions of the new standard for administering Botox in Alberta?

Dr. Fong 2Podcast Icon SmallDr. John O’Keefe, Director of Knowledge Networks at the Canadian Dental Association, interviewed Dr. Gary Fong, President of the Alberta Dental Association and College, about a new standard of practice on facial esthetic therapies and adjunctive therapies in dental practice.





Listen to the audio interview (9 min)


Key Messages

Types of therapies encompassed by this new standard of practice: Administration of schedule 1 drugs, such as neuromodulators known as Botox, dermofillers, other agents injected and/or topical, and adjunctive non-surgical endo or surgical therapies used to provide comprehensive therapeutic and esthetic oral and maxillofacial treatment for the restoration of a patient’s appearance, form, and function, or to enhance their appearance or both.

Competencies practitioners must demonstrate

Dentists must provide proof of attendance in competencies in head and neck anatomy, precautions in the mechanisms of action of the drugs, and practical administration of drugs. These core competencies consist of 6 levels:

  • The first level: applied anatomy review and introduction to Botox: a comprehensive cadaver anatomy course.
  • The second level; allows the practitioner to treat, using Botox: mild facial dysfunction and upper face treatment. 
  • The third level: advanced course which is the mid face, lower face, and neck regions.
  • Level 4 is dermofillers, facial dermofillers, and Botox for deep muscles of mastication, such as the latera pterygoid.
  • Level 5 is advanced non-surgical esthetic procedures.
  • Level 6 is advanced surgical esthetic procedures.

Dentists must submit proof of completion from the course instructor and anticipate possible inspection of documentation of patients. There are also mandatory exams between the 6 levels.

Dentists may have to assess the emotional health of the patient and understand the significance of the body dysmorphic syndrome. The syndrome is a contraindication to treatment. As in all procedures, dentists must take it as essential to be prepared for expectations beyond the normal range.

Practitioners who do not comply with the new standard run the risk of professional misconduct or a possible license suspension.

Do you have any particular question on this topic? Do you have any comments or suggestions? Email us at oasisdiscussions@cda-adc.ca

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1 Comment

  1. Izchak Barzilay April 9, 2014

    I am glad to see that Alberta’s regulatory body had embraced the concept of dentists using this form of treatment. In much of what we do, there are times when being able to use fillers can help in the esthetic outcome of prosthodontic procedures. Cant wait to see this happen in Ontario.


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